Hoy os traemos la guía de Coming out on top. Mientras estaba escribiendo el análisis del juego, se me antojó conseguir todas las imágenes del juego y ver todas las rustas, por lo que, me puse a ello. Busqué alguna guía en internet y solo encontré una, que para colmo estaba a la mitad. La guía solo te decía cómo conseguir al chico, pero con ella era imposible conseguir todas las imágenes, además de, tener errores. Por lo que decidí, que era la mejor idea, hacer un guía qué os permita conseguir todo. ¿Buscas alguna guía? Echa un ojo a nuestro índice.

Las pautas de la guía de Coming out on top serán las siguientes:

  • 1.- El orden de aparición de la guía será primero imágenes del jugador (main), luego los romances y al final las citas de Brofinder.
  • 2.- El orden de los chicos del romance es el siguiente: Phil, Ian, Amos, Brad, Alex y Jed.
  • 3.- El orden de los chicos de la app es el siguiente: Jake, Tommy, Frankie, Luke, Cesar, Terrence, Donovan, Oz & Pete, Theo y Hugh & Jesse.
  • 4.- El orden de los romances, es el siguiente: Primero están toda la ruta, es decir, todos los diálogos, los cuales están culminados con la imagen final del romance. Después, hay un pequeño apartado explicando como conseguir todas las imágenes CG (a pesar de que os lo haya mostrado en la ruta.).
  • 5.- Cada romance tiene una imagen del final final del mismo, capturada de mi propio juego, tras todos los diálogos. Si esa imagen no os aparece, será por qué algo habréis hecho mal al seguir la guía.
  • 6.- La guía de los romances muestra la respuestas correctas en verde. Habla momentos con notas y aclaraciones si es necesario.
  • 7.- En algunos casos aclaro que ciertos diálogos son necesarioa para conseguir alguna imágen CG. Por lo que debéis escoger esa línea para obtener la imagen. Si veis que la línea os avoca al fracaso en vuestra relación, guardad, conseguidla y recargad para escoger la correcta.
  • 8.- Las citas de la app Brofinder están escritas para conseguir todas las imágenes CG y terminar la cita con éxito, pero no tendrán escritas todos los diálogos como en los romances.
  • 9.- Cualquier duda se me puede preguntar en los comentarios.


Aquí os explico como conseguir ciertas imágenes CG, que se obtienen sin tener en cuenta con quien tengas romance o que se suceden solo si no tienes un romance:
  • – CG1 se consigue con las siguientes opciones: Wack off – Ignore it. – Continue masturbating. Esto ocurre después de que te encuentres el lubricante de Ian en el baño.
  • – CG2 se consigue yendo con Ian al gimnasio y eligiendo la cinta de correr.
  • – CG3 se consigue después de echarle un ojo a la fase beta de la app Brofinder de Penny. Para ello debes escoger la opción “Please, can we beta test another time” después de que ella te asalte la primera vez que sales de las clases, cuando te vuelva a asaltar una segunda vez, debes escoger esta opción “Fine, fine. I’ll take a look at it, but only to help find bugs.” y entonces. habrá un momento en la que el personaje mirará la app y luego se ira a masturbarse en la ducha. Tras esto conseguirás la Imagen CG.
  • – CG4 se consigue ayudando a Penny con la aplicación. Para ello debes escoger la opción “Please, can we beta test another time” después de que ella te asalte la primera vez que sales de las clases y cuando te vuelva a asaltar una segunda vez, debes escoger esta opción “Fine, fine. I’ll take a look at it, but only to help find bugs.” . Y también, debes haber salido con ella un par de veces en los fines de semana.
  • – CG5 se consigue no tiendo ningún romance, ninguna cita, estudiando todos los fines de semana y haciéndole el máximo caso a tu pez mascota. Entonces habrá un momento en el que empieces a hablar con el pez hasta que te cuente su plan. Desde aquí debes escoger las opciones “NO MASTERS, NO SLAVES!” – “YES. I MUST. NO MASTERS! NO SALVES! KILL THE PENNY! KILL THE IAN!” – “I can’t. I’m still really out of it. I don’t feel ready for that kind of scene.”
  • – CG6 se consigue no tiendo ningún romance, ninguna cita, estudiando todos los fines de semana y haciéndole el máximo caso a tu pez mascota. Entonces habrá un momento en el que empieces a hablar con el pez hasta que te cuente su plan. Desde aquí debes escoger las opciones “NO MASTERS, NO SLAVES!” – “Wait a second. Did you say I have to kill Penny and Ian?” – “I don’t think I can do that. I think there’s something wrong qith me. What’s happened to me, Slurpy?” – “I can’t. I’m still really out of it. I don’t feel ready for that kind of scene.”
  • – CG7 habiendo elegido estudiar al menos tres veces durante los fines de semana.



– I’m gay. 
– I’m gay. High five! 
– Uh, just a reminder. If you use up the last of toilet paper, be responsible and replace it with another roll. (La 3 sólo te llevará a un bucle para que el personaje diga que es gay)
– All right. You drive.
– Eh. I don’t feel up to it. Let’s just kick it here tonight. 
– Fine, fine! Quit yer bitchin’. Let’s go.
– No. I want to stay in.
– I bet it’s nice being a simple creature with simple tastes.
– I wonder what your fish food tastes like. Nibble fish food.
– I’ve got a lot on my mind tonight
– Borrow his lube. Just this once.
– Ew, are you kidding? Leave it here.
– Whack off. – Ignore it. – Continue masturbating. (IMAGEN CG1 – Main)
– Sleep like an angel.
HELLLOOO Profesor.
– Penny! Enough with the orange photos!
– Please, can we beta test another time
– NO.
– Okay, okay, OKAY!!!
– Sure, no prob.
– No. Maybe I have something to do. Maybe I’ve got a life, did you ever think of that?!?
– I’m biding my time. We’ll see.
– I’m planning to tell them. Soon.
– Thell them.
– Oh, you know. Been buddy. How have you been?
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash.
– Get a head start on a term paper.
– Watch the new horror Fick “It Came Inside Me” with your roommates. (-$20)
Beat off to “Lumberjackin’, Vol3.”
Study, for the love of Christ.
– Can you guys handle this? I’m in the middle of something important right now.
– One of us go and see what’s up. Now which of us has the requisite social skills to handle this with diplomacy and finesse?
– God, FINE!
– You know who loves getting up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
– You and Penny are pretty close, huh?
– So I hear D&D was a big pastime of yours.
– Tell me more about why you joined the Marine Corps. – Semper fidelis. Always faithful.
– Eat bread
– Accept the job. You can use the cash.
– Tell her no. You want to keep your Schedule open.
– Oh god. I have no idea why I’m pouring my soul out to a fish
– Thanks for listening, Slurpy. It’s hard to talk about these things with people. Humans are so judgmental. But not you, friend. You’re loyal and true.
– All right, all right. Just give me a minute to get ready.
– Are you done with armchair psychologizing? It’s Saturday. I’m going back to sleep.
– A couple of laps at the pool sounds refreshing.
– Work up a sweat on the treadmill.
– Exercise? Please. Wanfer around and enjoy the eye Candy. – Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash. – Get some extra studying done. – Accompany Ian and Penny to Tats All, Folks to get some sweet henna. (-$60) – Fine, fine. I’ll take a look at it, but only to help find bugs.
– I’m not interested in being your guinea pig for this. Especially since it involves my dating life.
– I don’t want to end up in pieces in someone’s freezer.
– Alright I’ll go only because it’s important to you and I’m the greatest friend you could ever have.
– Sure, it sounds interesting. And hey, free food.
– No, I’ve got better stuff to do tan have a one-on-one with Patton.
– Like what? Something from Aesop’s fables?
– That’s idiotic, Ian.
– Keep the hat on for now.
– Take the hat off
– Badminton
– Racquetball
– Swimming
– Wealthy as I am, I like to stay in touch with the common people.
– The emperor is rich but he cannot buy one extra year preferred. – Wealth consists not having great possessions, but in having few wants.
– Fine, fine, I was gonna go anyway
– Not gonna happen. I’ve got other things to do.
– You’re here for a purpose, soldier. Hit the pool.
– Maybe see if anybody’s up for a game of racquetball
– Hit the treadmill.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center
– Get some extra studying done.
– Invite Ian and Penny to the beach to fly your new penis kite in celebration of ‘To Hell with the Children Day’ (-$35).
– You know what? Count me in. I’d like to go.
– No. Why would I wanna deal with a wer blanket like you
– Sorry. I can’t. I’ve got stuff going on.
– Hey, take a deep breath before you hear something.
– Look of the bright side. Maybe we missed a real snoozefest watching ballet tonight.
– Looks like we got a tango on the run, boys. Let’s round her up. Healy, talk to me.
– Okay. I’ll check the bar 
– I have a better idea. I’ll take a centralized position near the bar, while you sweep the perimeter and circle inward.
– Violet, Phil’s trying to keep you out of trouble.
– C’mon y’all, let’s PAAARTAAAY!
– Maybe I just want to help out Penny’s uncle.
– Maybe I think you’re cute. In a jerky sort of way.
– I’ts about freakin’ time you thanked me!
– You’re on.
– No thanks, I’m not feeling up to it.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some studying done.
– Invite Ian and Penny to go nutria hunting along the river. (-$90)
– Sounds fun, I’ll be there.
– Sorry, I’ve got exams coming up. I can’t go.
– It certainly couldn’t hurt, could it?
– No, just no.
– Take short, intense breaths when and wherever you can.
– Take slow, methodical breaths
– Lift your head higher tan normal, to get as much oxygen as posible and keep an eye on your target.
– Lift your head just high enough to see your target and to minimize fatigue. (Imagen CG1 – PHIL)
– Tutor at Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studyng done.
– Since your promised the old lady in Aparment 36 that you’d walk her Pomeranian this weekend, invite Penny along. (-$0)
– Sure, sounds awesome.
– Actually, you could slide something else down my throat
– No thanks, I’m not feeling it.
– Not at all. Please, continue. 
– Why don’t you shut it before I hurt you?
Let Phil handle this.
– Phil, you’ve got more important things to worry about. Let’s get out here.
– Yeah, shut your fool mouth, Knutson.
NOTA: En los siguientes diálogos, con cualquiera de los dos se puede conseguir acabar con Phil, pero a través de uno de ellos se podrán conseguir las imágenes CG2 y CG3 de Phil. Sin embargo, la relación se romperá, mi consejo es guardar, conseguir la imagen y luego seguir la parte correcta de la ruta.
– Kiss Him. (OPCIÓN 1)         – Sure, I’m glad for that.
        – Offer a blowjob. (Necesario para las CG) – It’ll help blow of some steam. (IMAGEN CG2 – PHIL)
                – I’m soooo hungry for cock, though! (IMAGEN CG3 – PHIL)
– Be sympathetic. (OPCIÓN 2)
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Treat Penny to a dinner out at the new tempura fondue place downtown. (-$50)
– If that’s the only way I can see you this weekend, I’m up for it.
– I dunno, am I insane? I think it would be fun to hang out with you guys.
– Well, good luck.
– I agree, you should have your fun. If you’ve got the money, why not?
– In all honesty, you seem a little addictec.
– Hell yeah, let’s do this!
– I dunno, man. I suck at trivia.
NOTA: En la siguiente parte le propondrán al personaje jugar al trivial. El caso es que hay muchísimas preguntas. Empecé a apuntarlas, pero hay demasiadas. Mi consejo es que después de escoger la categoría que queráis, busquéis en Google la respuesta de la pregunta. Aconsejo las de literatura, geografía y deportes, ya que son fáciles de buscar. Es indispensable acertar TODAS.
– But was it hotter tan Death Valley on july 10, 1913? (IMAGEN CG4 – PHIL)
– Hahaha. Well, okay. Good night.
NOTA: En la siguiente parte se podrán conseguir distintas imágenes según vuestras opciones. Aconsejo guardar y conseguir todas. Ninguna afectará a la relación con Phil.
Grind your ass against his dick. (IMAGEN CG6 – PHIL) & (IMAGEN CG7 – PHIL)
Flip over and wrestle for top. (IMAGEN CG5 – PHIL)
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash. (Si has ganado el trivial, el dinero conseguido aquí será de 160$)
– Get some studying done.
– Accompany Ian on a Dude’s Day Out shopping-spree/spa treatment. (-$95)
– I’d love to.
– Can’t we do something else, just the two of us? – Okay, I’ll be there works as well.
– It’s finals week and I’m REALLY behind in my studies. I’m sorry, Phil. I can’t afford any time off.
– You’re asking me to hide the fact that Phil and I are going out? You should be disgusted with yourself.
– If it helps his father’s campaign, I suppose I can pretend we’re just Friends.
– Only one question, Pat. What’s in it for me?
– Don’t, Phil. Don’t do anything you’ll regret. 
Hit Knutson
Let Phil handle it.

Guía de imágenes CG de Phil

  • 1.- CG1, CG4, CG8 y CG9 se consiguen completando la relación con Phil.
  • 2.- CG2 se consigue con la opción “Offer a blowjob” cuando está en el coche con Phil y luego seguirla con la opción, It’ll help blow off some steam.
  • 3.- CG3 se consigue con la opción “Offer a blowjob” cuando está en el coche con Phil y luego seguirla con la opción I’m soooo hungry for cock, though!
  • 4.- CG5 se consigue con la opción “Flip over and wrestle for top.” en casa del protagonista después de el concurso en el bar.
  • 5.- CG6 y CG7 se consiguen con la opción “Grind your ass against his dick.” en casa del protagonista después de el concurso en el bar.


– I’m gay.
– I’m gay. High five!
– Uh, just a reminder. If you use up the last of toilet paper, be responsible and replace it with another roll. (La 3 sólo te llevará a un bucle para que el personaje diga que es gay) – All right. You drive. – Eh. I don’t feel up to it. Let’s just kick it here tonight.  – Fine, fine! Quit yer bitchin’. Let’s go. – No. I want to stay in. – I bet it’s nice being a simple creature with simple tastes. – I wonder what your fish food tastes like. Nibble fish food. – I’ve got a lot on my mind tonight – Borrow his lube. Just this once. – Ew, are you kidding? Leave it here. – Whack off. – Sleep like an angel. – Check your phone. – Ignore it. – Tell her it’s a bug. – Tell her it’s a feature – Don’t text her anything – Return lube 
– Hide lube
HELLLOOO Profesor.
– Penny! Enough with the orange photos!
– Please, can we beta test another time.
– NO!
– Okay, okay, OKAY!!!
– Sure, no prob.
– No. Maye I have something to do. Maybe I’ve got a life, did you ever think of that ?!?
– Take a quick peek
– Leave the box closed
– Snag an ítem. He won’t notice.
– Gross! Closet he box and leave ir alone.
– Right. You’re a sentimental guy.
– Right, sex toys don’t come cheap.
– I’m biding my time. We’ll see.
– I’m planning to tell them. Soon.
– Thanks man, I appreciate it.
– By the way, I may have borrowed a dildo
– It’s going to be me, a dildo, and a very special night.
– No, just no.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. – Get a head start on a term paper. 
– Watch the new horror Fick “It Came Inside Me” with your roommates. (-$20)
Beat off to “Lumberjackin’, Vol3.”
Study, for the love of Christ.
– Can you guys handle this? I’m in the middle of something important right now. – One of us go and see what’s up. Now which of us has the requisite social skills to handle this with diplomacy and finesse?
– God, FINE! – You know who loves to get up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
– Accept the job. You can use the cash. – Tell her no, you want to keep your schedule open.
– Oh god. I have no idea why I’m pouring my soul out to a fish. 
– Thanks for listening, Slurpy. It’s hard to talk about these things with people. Humans are so judgmental. But not you, friend. You’re loyal and true.
– All right, all right. Just give me a minute to get ready.
– Are you done with armchair psychologizing? It’s Saturday. I’m going back to sleep.
– A couple of laps at the pool sounds refreshing 
– Work up a sweat on the treadmill. 
– Exercise? Please. Wanfer around and enjoy the eye Candy. 
– Tutor at the Student Learning Cnter during oper hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done. 
– Accompany Ian and Penny to Tats All, Folks to get some sweet henna. (-$60) 
– Fine, fine, I’ll take a look at it, but only to help you find bugs.
– I’m not interested in being your guinea pig for this. Especially since it involves my dating life. I don’t want to end up in pieces in someone’s freezer
– Fine, fine. I was gonna go anyway.
– Not gonna happen. I’ve got other things to do.
– You’re here for a purpose, soldier. Hit the pool. 
– Maybe see if anybody’s up for a game of racquetball. 
– Hit the treadmill. 
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center. 
– Get some extra studying done. 
– Invite Ian and Penny to the beach to fly your new penis kite in celebration of ‘To Hell with the Children Day’ (-$35).
– Oh, why not? I guess ir can’t hurt.
– I’d rather not. I’m trying to stay away from that whole scene.
– How are we doing tonight? *giant smile*
– Can I get either of you something to drink?
– What are respectable girls you like doing in this place of ill-repute?
– You know, I had to drag Ian’s butt to this party tonight. Normally he’s curled up at this hour reading Lolita in the original Russian text.
– Hey. It’s not his fault. He lost his sense of taste after saving my life last summer.
– Look, he’s kind of a goofball but he has a big heart. (IMAGEN CG1 – IAN)
– Nine point five inches, ladies. Ig you round down
Attemp to sleep.
Jack off.
Go to bed.
– All right, Ian. We’ll see how this goes.
– I actually have other stuff I need to do, Ian.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash. 
– Get some studying done. 
– Invite Ian and Penny to go nutria hunting along the river. (-$90)
– Forget it. Just take me home. This was a disaster.
– I don’t want your ‘help’ anymore. I’m doing this alone! – I know the agenda, dummy. It’s the same one I’ve got! (IMAGEN CG3 – IAN) – It doesn’t matter. I’m not fourteen. Stop being control freak. (IMAGEN CG3 – IAN) – Tutor at Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash. – Get some extra studying done. – Since your promised the old lady in Aparment 36 that you’d walk her Pomeranian this weekend, invite Penny along (-$0) (IMAGEN CG2 – IAN)
NOTA: Guardad aquí.
NOTA: En la siguiente parte para conseguir una de las imágenes CG de Ian, debéis romper el romance y seguir unas líneas de diálogo a partir de la de “Maybe a bit.” Para evitar líos, os he puesto dichas líneas justo después de “Maybe a bit.”
– Maybe a bit. – I don’t know. Why don’t you show me? – Hell yes. – Remove your briefs. (IMAGEN CG4 – IAN)
– All I was hoping was to meet somebody. I mean, sex or no sex.
– Thanks for the apology. 
– No. And I don’t really want to know.
– Sounds like you want to tell me about it, so tell me.
– Kiss him
– Fall asleep cuddling with him.
– Extricate yourself, and sleep beside him.
– Wake him and send him back to his room.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Treat Penny to a dinner out at the new tempura fondue place downtown. (-$50)
– Nothing! That’s a coincidence, Ian!
– I guess that’s Little awkward. Trust me, it wasn’t intencional
– Admit it Ian, It’s hot
Talk to him.
Let him come to you.
– I’m here because I’ve got feelings for you, Ian.
– I’m here because I feel like I’ve lost a friend, and I want him back.
– I’m here because I’m confused about what’s happend between us. – I’m- Just admit you have feelings for me already.
– Sure thing.
– Sorry Penny, I can’t.
IMPORTANTE: Si habéis seguido bien la guía, durante la escena en el Sex Shop aparecerá Zoe. Si no lo hace, es que lo habéis hecho mal. En ese caso, recargad en la conversación “Thanks for the apology” (Os dije que guardarais justo ahí) y repetid nuevamente los pasos meticulosamente.
– Call he up and find out what’s going on.
– Forget about it. You don’t need to ge involved.
– Visit Zoe’s loft.
– Forget about it.
NOTA: Aquí las opciones divergen, pero puedes escoger la que quieras. Sin embargo, la primera opción desbloqueará cuatro imágenes CG. Podéis hacer todas las opciones con Ian sin recargar.
– Leave him tied and fulfill his fantasy. (OPCIÓN 1)
– Untie him and remove his blinfold. (OPCIÓN 2)


– Suck Ian’s cock. (IMAGEN CG7 – IAN)
– Feed him your dick. (IMAGEN CG8 – IAN)
– Plow his ass. (IMAGEN CG6 – IAN)
– Sit on his dick. (IMAGEN CG9 – IAN)
– Well, it probably gelps that I have a pretty major thing for you.
– I dunno. I guess I’m pretty laid back about the whole thing. No matter what happens, nothing’s going to change the fact we’re Friends
– I’d say we’re in uncharted territory here. Let’s just see how it goes.


– Why didn’t you just tell me? You didn’t need to go to your ex to fulfill this fantasy.
– I am so confused.
– Well this is awkward.
– Kiss him.
– We don’t need to talk about this right now. Let’s go home.

Guía de imágenes CG de Ian

  • 1.- CG1, CG2, CG3, CG5 y CG11 se consiguen completando la relación con Ian
  • 2.- CG4 se consigue cuando Ian viene a la habitación borracho a pedir disculpas al protagonista, deberás seguir esta pauta: Maybe a bit. – I don’t know. Why don’t you show me? – Hell yes. – Remove your briefs.
  • 3.- CG6, CG7, CG8 y CG9 se consiguen eligiendo “Leave him tied and fulfill his fantasy” cuando encuentras a Ian atado en el loft de Zoe. Tras esto te saldrán cuatro opciones, cada una es una Imagen CG y puedes conseguirlas todas juntas si eliges que el protagonista no eyacule hasta escoger la última.
  • 4.- CG10 se consigue habiendo avanzado en la relación con Ian un poco (aconsejo fallar los diálogos de la fiesta con las chicas) y haber guardado 800$.


NOTA: Para conocer a nuestro osete tendremos que seguir parte de la ruta de Ian. Para evitar confusiones he preferido exponer el trozo de la ruta de Ian y empalmarlo con el inicio de la ruta de Amos.
CONSEJO: Los fines de semana conseguid dinero hasta tener 800$, ya que al seguir la ruta de Ian y luego romperla, si tenéis el dinero, conseguiréis su imagen CG10.
– I’m gay. – I’m gay. High five! – Uh, just a reminder. If you use up the last of toilet paper, be responsible and replace it with another roll (La 3 sólo te llevará a un bucle para que el personaje diga que es gay).- All right. You drive. – Eh. I don’t feel up to it. Let’s just kick it here tonight. – Fine, fine! Quit yer bitchin’. Let’s go. – No. I want to stay in. – I bet it’s nice being a simple creature with simple tastes. – I wonder what your fish food tastes like. Nibble fish food. – I’ve got a lot on my mind tonight – Borrow his lube. Just this once. – Ew, are you kidding? Leave it here. – Whack off. – Sleep like an angel. – Check your phone. – Ignore it. – Tell her it’s a bug. – Tell her it’s a feature – Don’t text her anything – Return lube. – Hide lube – HELLLOOO Profesor. Meh. – Penny! Enough with the orange photos! – Please, can we beta test another time.
– NO! – Okay, okay, OKAY!!!– Sure, no prob. – No. Maye I have something to do. Maybe I’ve got a life, did you ever think of that ?!? – Take a quick peek. – Leave the box closed. – Snag an ítem. He won’t notice. – Gross! Closet he box and leave ir alone.
– Right. You’re a sentimental guy. – Right, sex toys don’t come cheap.– I’m biding my time. We’ll see. – I’m planning to tell them. Soon. – Thanks man, I appreciate it. – By the way, I may have borrowed a dildo. – It’s going to be me, a dildo, and a very special night. – No, just no. – Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash. – Get a head start on a term paper. – Watch the new horror Fick “It Came Inside Me” with your roommates. (-$20) – Beat off to “Lumberjackin’, Vol3.” Study, for the love of Christ. – Can you guys handle this? I’m in the middle of something important right now.– One of us go and see what’s up. Now which of us has the requisite social skills to handle this with diplomacy and finesse?
– God, FINE! – You know who loves to get up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
– Accept the job. You can use the cash. – Tell her no, you want to keep your schedule open.– Oh god. I have no idea why I’m pouring my soul out to a fish. – Thanks for listening, Slurpy. It’s hard to talk about these things with people. Humans are so judgmental. But not you, friend. You’re loyal and true. – All right, all right. Just give me a minute to get ready. – Are you done with armchair psychologizing? It’s Saturday. I’m going back to sleep.– A couple of laps at the pool sounds refreshing – Work up a sweat on the treadmill. – Exercise? Please. Wanfer around and enjoy the eye Candy. – Tutor at the Student Learning Center during oper hours for extra cash. – Get some extra studying done. – Accompany Ian and Penny to Tats All, Folks to get some sweet henna. (-$60) – GeFine, fine, I’ll take a look at it, but only to help you find bugs. – I’m not interested in being your guinea pig for this. Especially since it involves my dating life. I don’t want to end up in pieces in someone’s freezer – Fine, fine. I was gonna go anyway. – Not gonna happen. I’ve got other things to do. – You’re here for a purpose, soldier. Hit the pool. – Maybe see if anybody’s up for a game of racquetball – Hit the treadmill. – Tutor at the Student Learning Center – Get some extra studying done. – Invite Ian and Penny to the beach to fly your new penis kite in celebration of ‘To Hell with the Children Day’ (-$35). – Oh, why not? I guess ir can’t hurt. – I’d rather not. I’m trying to stay away from that whole scene. – How are we doing tonight? *giant smile* – Can I get either of you something to drink? – What are respectable girls you like doing in this place of ill-repute? – You know, I had to drag Ian’s butt to this party tonight. Normally he’s curled up at this hour reading Lolita in the original Russian text. – Hey. It’s not his fault. He lost his sense of taste after saving my life last summer. – Look, he’s kind of a goofball but he has a big heart. (IMAGEN CG1 – IAN)
– Nine point five inches, ladies. Ig you round down
Attemp to sleep. Listen. Jack off.Go to bed. – All right, Ian. We’ll see how this goes. – I actually have other stuff I need to do, Ian. – Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash. – Get some studying done. – Invite Ian and Penny to go nutria hunting along the river. (-$90) – Forget it. Just take me home. This was a disaster. – I don’t want your ‘help’ anymore. I’m doing this alone!
– A glass of Sauvignon Blanc, please. – I´’ll have a beer. – The usual, good sir
– Wait, what? – I suppose you are the correct. – I’m just going to enjoy my drink. Thank you *Look away*– Ok, you really had me going there. I actually believed you when you said weren’t a Rico – Do you wanna just putt he roffle in my drink now, or should we wait ‘til I’m back at your lace?
– YOU’RE NOT PAYING FOR ANYTHING, ASSHOLE! FUCK OFF. – If you continue this course of action, it’s going to end badly for you. Very badly. – Exactly how much money are we talking about here?– People are so superficial, right? – Well, I don’t think you’re plain looking – Are you plain? Not sure how anyone would know with that beard. What the heck is it with beards these days? It’s enough already. – Accept the ride. – Politely decline. – Is this some kind of trick? It seems loke all I’ve met are liars and jerks tonight.– I’d love to – Maybe romantic, maybe a Little more tan that. Yeah, yeah? – Ok, this is gonna sound mean, but romantic? Are you for real? How about just a normal date? – Actually, I’ve got this jug of pennies and wanted to sort out all the pre-1982 ones. But it’s huge job. Wanna help? – Sorry, I’m really bussy with school these days.
– Um heh, okay. *blush* – He’s a guy, that’s all the is to know – Penny, don’t you have some bug to fix?
– Keep it casual in a t-shirt. – Drees up for a god’s sake.
– No fried chicken or fruit roll-ups? What the heck, man? – Sounds like of cheesy, if you get my drift. Heh. – This place is nice and secluded. It’s perfect. *wink wink* – This place is beautiful. It’s so serene. – LOL. You’re right. Wanna fuck? – That’s a good point.  – Cry me a river, Maty. It’s not that bad. – I like the way you talk, big feller. – Remove the cattail and per her. – Show her away. – Think we could get the balloonist into a mile-high menage? – Roses are red, violets are blue, poetry is corny, and so are you. – Whatever. I’m just sad I didn’t bring my magnifying glass. There are SO MANY ant here. – Bite your lip and say nothing. – Well, actually, I haven’t come yet. *Wink* – Hey, listen. If we toss Mr. Balloon Man over the side, I bet we could sell this thing for 10, 20 grand.  What so you say? – Would you freak out if I started jumping up and down right now?
– I never expected anything like this. (Recomiendo esta)– Okay. Sounds fun. (IMAGEN CG1 – AMOS) – Poetry? Uh, no, I’ve got, uh, something else going on (IMAGEN CG1 – AMOS) – Yes, Edgy. Help me! – Fuck off – Wait a second. How would know that?
NOTA: Te tocará escribir un poema. Tienes tu libre albedrío aquí. Las frases que cojas determinaran la imagen final. La imagen se decidirá según el mayor número de frases del mismo color escogidas. La guía seguirá tras acabar el poema:
VERDE – Amigable / La ideal para la relación perfecta. VIOLETA– Desagradable / No acabarás con Amos, pero tendrás imagen final. NARANJA – Pringado / No acabarás con Amos, pero tendrás imagen final. AMARILLO – Erótico
– Summon Ian and Penny to share your masterwork. – Keep quiet. This shit’s embarrassing.Follow Amos’ lead and refuse to clap.Clap politely. Hiss and boo.Whistle and cheer.
NOTA: Lo que os diga Amos después de leer vuestro poema variará según cual es el mayor número de frases escogidas de un mismo color al hacerlo. Habrá ocasiones en las que habrá diálogos y otras en las que no. Os lo indicaré a continuación. A partir del conjunto de conversaciones que empieza como “- Tell him what happened between you and Amos
CONVERSACIONES VERDES – Gosh, the word just pop into my head. It’s like magic! – I think… being you has had an effect on me. – Never mind that. What was you ex talking about earlier? Something about ‘beating you in the ring?’ – You’re better than anything I could have imagined. – Heh. True. CONVERSACIONES VIOLETAS No hay conversaciones con opciones si has elegido el trayecto violeta. CONVERSACIONES NARANJAS No hay conversaciones con opciones si has elegido el trayecto naranja. CONVERSACIONES AMARILLAS No hay conversaciones con opciones si has elegido el trayecto amarillo.
Tell him what happened between you and AmosIt’s none of your business. Usher him put of the aparment.Lie and tell him everyone in your family die due to a freak skilift accident.– You know what? That’s not happening. Now away with you before I call report to your manager. – Give him a tip. – I’m just going to thank Amos in person. – All right. You’re crazy but I’ll send him the shrub. – Cycle aggressively. – Keep it mellow.– Go straight. – Go left.
– Go right.– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash. – Get some extra studying done. – Treat Penny to a dinner out at the new tempura fondue place downtown. (-$50) – Fine. Tip the man. – Refuse – Throw pennie at his feet.
Text Amos yes.Text Amos no.– No. I’d rather not. Put the blinfold on.
– Rad. Think they have shuffleboard? Cause I’ve been wanting a game for some time.
– How romantic! I can’t wait. – How… quaint. – Niiice. I’ve never banged on a boat before.– That looks amazing. – Chicory-dickory, doc. – Oh wow! Are all these for me? – Take the candied rose petal champagne gelato – I’m fine, and I don’t think my friend here needs any of this. – Maybe I should be on that tray. *Wink Wink* – So that cat. Is that supposed to represent love? – So like, even though he’s gay, he’s now looking for wet pussy? Like she’s turned him straight.
Come on now. – Why a cat? Why not a turtle? – What a great movie. I love it. – I thought it was all right. – Eh, not really my cup of tea. – I was hoping for some guns. Explosions. At least a high-speed car chase! DEATH! VIOLENCE!
– I’ve got big plans. I’m pretty ambitious. – I’m still thinking about it. – This might sound unusual, but I don’t have any right now. I’m just gonna see where thing take me. – I don’t know. And I’m pretty anxious about it.– Maybe you could, you know, put on a wizard hat. – We’re about to bone, aren’t we? – Just answer the freaking question. – Say nothing. (IMAGEN CG2 – AMOS) – Tutor at the Student Learning Center during oper hours for extra cash. – Get some studying done. – Accompany Ian on a Dude’s Day Out shopping-spree/spa trearment. (-$95)
– Hmmm. Well, you’ve got a point. It’s Little off the wall, but it is a point. – You can’t be serious.– Have a look-see. – Leave well enough alone and try to calm down.
– It actually sounds incredibly hot. Count me in  – I’m not here to judge. I care about you and cap accept your interests, even if they’re a Little strange to me. – I knew you were, you big old freak, you! – I need to tellyou something, too. I actually love canned meat. Don’t hate me. – I don’t think I can handle this.– In that case, kick his ass for me. – You’re wretling with your ex? Um, I’m not sure how I feel about that. – How could you lose to a Keats guy? – That son of a bitch. I Will end him! – Are you hurt badly? – Amos, I’ll help you however I can. If you need moral support or motivation or anything, I’ll be there. – Say something inspirational. 
Talk mild trash. Talk serious trash. Point out how ignoring you is an inmature and inffective manipulation tatic. Say nothing.




– Can we just take a breather? I just want to chill with you. (IMAGEN CG8 – AMOS) – You’re one. (IMAGEN CG8 – AMOS) – Fight fair (IMAGEN CG6 – AMOS) – Fight dirty (IMAGEN CG7 – AMOS) (IMAGEN CG12 – AMOS)


– Obediently do as he ask. (IMAGEN CG4 – AMOS)
– Groel like an animal and show him your teeth. (IMAGEN CG4 – AMOS)
– Go fuck yourself. (IMAGEN CG4 – AMOS)


-Can we just take a breather? I just want to chill with you -You’re one.                – Fight fair (IMAGEN CG6 – AMOS)                – Fight Dirty (IMAGEN CG7 – AMOS)

Guía de imágenes CG de Amos

  • 1.- CG1 y CG2 se consiguen completando la relación con Amos.
  • 2.- CG3, CG5 y CG11 se consiguen habiendo escrito el poema con una mayoría de frases del poema de color naranja.
  • 3.- CG4 y CG9 se consiguen habiendo escrito el poema con una mayoría de frases del poema de color morado.
  • 4.- CG8 y CG12 se consiguen habiendo escrito el poema con una mayoría de frases del poema de color verde.
  • 5.- CG10 se consigue habiendo escrito el poema con una mayoría de frases del poema de color amarillo.
  • 6.- CG6 se consigue eligiendo “You’re one.” y luego escogiendo “Fight fair” en la ruta en la que el poema tenía mayor número de frases de color verde o amarillo.
  • 7.- CG7 se consigue eligiendo “You’re one.” y luego escogiendo “Fight dirty” en la ruta en la que el poema tenía mayor número de frases de color verde o amarillo.


– I’m gay. 
– I’m gay. High five! 
– Uh, just a reminder. If you use up the last of toilet paper, be responsible and replace it with another roll (La 3 sólo te llevará a un bucle para que el personaje diga que es gay).
– All right. You drive.
– Eh. I don’t feel up to it. Let’s just kick it here tonight. 
– Fine, fine! Quit yer bitchin’. Let’s go.
– No. I want to stay in.
– I bet it’s nice being a simple creature with simple tastes.
– I wonder what your fish food tastes like. Nibble fish food.
– I’ve got a lot on my mind tonight
– Borrow his lube. Just this once.
– Ew, are you kidding? Leave it here.
– Whack off. – Ignore it. – Continue masturbating. (IMAGEN CG1 – Main)
– Sleep like an angel.
HELLLOOO Profesor.
– Penny! Enough with the orange photos!
– Please, can we beta test another time.
– NO
– Okay, okay, OKAY!!
– Sure, no prob.
– No. Maybe I have something to do. Maybe I’ve got a life, did you ever think of that?!?
– I’m biding my time. We’ll see.
– I’m planning to tell them. Soon.
– Thell them.
– Oh, you know. Been buddy. How have you been?
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash.
– Get a head start on a term paper.
– Watch the new horror Fick “It Came Inside Me” with your roommates. (-$20)
Beat off to “Lumberjackin’, Vol3.”
Study, for the love of Christ.
– Can you guys handle this? I’m in the middle of something important right now.
– One of us go and see what’s up. Now which of us has the requisite social skills to handle this with diplomacy and finesse?
– God, FINE!
– You know who loves getting up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
– Accept the job. You can use the cash.
– Tell her no. You want to keep your schedule open.
– There must be some mistake. Maybe you could check with some of the others.
– I’m not intimidated by you, fat head. Now you best step aside before I have top ut the ‘tude back in tutor.
– What do you mean I’m not smokin’ hot? Check out these niples. Show him your nips.
– You can depend on me.
– Beau, to be honest, this sound like a special case. It seems like Brad not only needs academic help, but moral guindance. Maybe we can talk about a Little extra consideration? *Rub yout fingers together*
NOTA: Guardad aquí.
EXPLICACIÓN: Aquí los caminos se bifurcan. Con la OPCIÓN 1 harás la tarea de Brad, romperás la relación y conseguirás dos Imágenes CG. Con la OPCIÓN 2 conseguirás el romance. Mi consejo: Guardad aquí como ya os he dicho, haced la OPCIÓN 1 que termina la relación con Brad, pero consigues dos Imágenes CG de Brad, y luego recargar para seguir la relación.


– Hey, I’m here to help you with your class, not write your papers for you.
– Look, between your overprotective brother and the fact I could lose my job, this is crazy talk.
– I’ll do it for fifty a page. – Make it forty.
– With stats in your eyes, whisper: Anything for you, Brad.
– Let me tongue your tight Little starfish and we’ll it good. (Imagen CG9 – Brad)
– I need to familiarize myself with the material before I can tutor effectively.
– Duh. How else am I gonna write this paper for him?
– Oh god. I have no idea why I’m pouring my soul out to a fish.
– Thanks for listening. Slurpy. It’s hard to talk about these thing with people. Human are so judmental. But not you, friend. You’re loyal and true.
– All right, all right. Just give me a minute to get ready.
– Are you done with armchair psychologizing? It’s Saturday. I’m going back to sleep.
– A couple of laps at the pool sounds refreshing.
– Work up a sweat on the treadmill.
– Exercise? Please. Wanfer around and enjoy the eye Candy.
– Work on Brad’s essay.
– Do something else.
– Fine, fine, I’ll take a look at it, but only to help you find bugs.
– I’m not interested in being your guinea pig for this. Especially since it involves my dating life. I don’t want to end up in pieces in someone’s freezer.
– Fine, fine. I was gonna go anyway.
– Not gonna happen. I’ve got other things to do.
– Work on Brad’s essay.
– Do something else.
– Write the essay.
– Pretend to write while sneaking peeks at Brad. (IMAGEN CG1 – Brad)
– Turn up the heater.
– Ignore the pervert within.
– Work on Brad’s assignment.
– Do something else.
– Jack off before your tutoring session. – I’m jacking off and taking a dump! (IMAGEN CG8 – BRAD)
– Distract youself with other thoughts.
– Focus on toilet issues.
– A blow job? Is that what we’re talking about here, you pervert?
– Look, don’t freak out or anything, but I can offer you the same.
– You should be ashamed. Here we are committing the perfectly respectable act of academic fraud, and you’re turning i tinto your own, personal porno.
– Well okay. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. Get on your knees. (IMAGEN CG5 – BRAD)


– Hey, I’m here to help you with your class, not write your papers for you.
– Look, between your overprotective brother and the fact I could lose my job, this is crazy talk.
– I’ll do it for fifty a page.
– With stats in your eyes, whisper: Anything for you, Brad.
– Let me tongue your tight Little starfish and we’ll it good. (IMAGEN CG9 – Brad)
– It doesn’t matter if rhat’s how it’s done. You stil have a choice. I’m not going to cheat for you.
– No way, you brother would chrus my head like a nut. I’d rather not face his warth.
– I’m SO sick of you spoiled athletes and the clorification of a violent sport when our nation should be focused on education. You know, ‘learning.’
– Make it forty.
– Did you hear anything I just said?!
– This is against everything I’ve ever beieved in, but okay. The money Will go for purposes beneficial to the progress of makind.
– No! Stop trying to bribe me.
– Oh god. I have no idea why I’m pouring my soul out to a fish.
– Thanks for listening. Slurpy. It’s hard to talk about these thing with people. Human are so judmental. But not you, friend. You’re loyal and true.
– All right, all right. Just give me a minute to get ready.
– Are you done with armchair psychologizing? It’s Saturday. I’m going back to sleep.
– A couple of laps at the pool sounds refreshing 
– Work up a sweat on the treadmill.
– Exercise? Please. Wanfer around and enjoy the eye Candy.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Cnter during oper hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Accompany Ian and Penny to Tats All, Folks to get some sweet henna. (-$60)
– Fine, fine, I’ll take a look at it, but only to help you find bugs.
– I’m not interested in being your guinea pig for this. Especially since it involves my dating life. I don’t want to end up in pieces in someone’s freezer
– Accept
– Refuse
– Come on, don’t you even want to give it a shot? Prove to yourself that you can do it?
– Well, as long as I’m getting paid, you got yourself a deal.
– Look, you’re already two weeks behind on the Reading assigments. When I see you next week I want you sober, alert, and caught up with all the Reading. Otherwise I’m done.
– I can provide perks as well. Lick your lips seductively.
– Write his papers? Perks? You, madam, are a disgrace to tutors everywhere, to the vey profession, and most of all to yourself. Frankly, I’m appalled. The administration Will be hearing of your misdeeds, I promise you that.
– I can provide him with the purpose of this entire university in the first place. An education.
– Oh screw this. I’m leaving. I’m not batting wih you to be somebody’s tutor.
– Fine, fine, I was gonna go anyway
– Not gonna happen. I’ve got other things to do.
– You’re here for a purpose, soldier. Hit the pool. 
– Maybe see if anybody’s up for a game of racquetball
– Hit the treadmill.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Invite Ian and Penny to the beach to fly your new penis kite in celebration of ‘To Hell with the Children Day’ (-$35).
– You’re screwed if you get injured, and tour football career comes to a grindin halt. That’s the point.
– You know, even if you’re a jock, you can’t limit your education to sports.
– Stop making excuses dor yourself, Melnick. You’re on the path to becoming a semi-literate moron.
– Move, so your legs longer touch. 
– Leave your leg there and pretend you don’t notice.
– Put your hand don his thigh.
– Of course. I’m here to help Brad succeed.
– Actually, I was hoping be a short-term gig. Sorry I can’t.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some studying done.
– Invite Ian and Penny to go nutria hunting along the river. (-$90)
– Your ideas are all over the place. You should put your strongest points at the front and at the end of your essay. You need to start and end with a bang.
– Your ideas are all over the place. You need top put your strongest points in the middle, to keep the reader’s interest from flagging.
– Well, the most important thing-and I want you to remember this-is that you’ll need to use a good Font when you eventually print this out. Like Papyrus. Nothing says ‘quality writing’ like Papyrus.
– Tutor at Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studyng done.
– Since your promised the old lady in Aparment 36 that you’d walk her Pomeranian this weekend, invite Penny along. (-$0)
– Sorry man. I’m on the clock.
– Well, I suppose one couldn’t hurt.
– Double click the photo for a quick look. (IMAGEN CG2 – BRAD)
– Let’s not be a creeperino. Continue to obediently stare at the naked girl instead.
NOTA: Aquí diverge todo un poco, pero al final llegas a lo mismo. He preferido escribirlo todo directamente, es decir, las opciones seguidas para evitar que os confundáis al seguir la guía.
– Sure, go for it. 
            – Jerk off ass quickly as posible. Save Brad from an ignominious              fate.
– You know, I’m cool with you jerking off here, if you don’t mind me doing the same. (IMAGEN CG3 – BRAD)
– You need to relax. Brad gota n 88 on his paper. Cut us some slack.
– What is he, 16? Are you his father? No to both? Rhen fuck off.
– Yeah well, we decided to take a porn break, you know? You could probably use one.
– Yes we did, Beau. I apologize.
– He’s an adult, Beau. You’re prolonging his sense of dependency by making his decisions.
– I guess you feel responsable if anything goes wrong with Brad’s life.
– Did they have chicken fried bacon? Because that shit is the shit.
– A break, huh? We all gonna gather tound the ol’laptop again for another look at Daisy’s hoo-hah?
– We haven’t finished going over the Reading though! Stop fucking around!
– C-can I pick the porn this time?
– Ok. Five minutes.
– Eat a cupcake you wait.
– Wait.
– Go see him in person.
– Forget it. He can talk to you when he feels like it.
– I’ll voice my displeasure and quickly walk away. Hrmph.
– I’ll tell you when I think of something appropriately threatening yet legal and within my physical limitations.
– I’ll take my Monster, gay cock out and run directly at you, bitch.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Treat Penny to a dinner out at the new tempura fondue place downtown. (-$50)
– Tell your roommates about what you happened between you and Brad, in pornographic detail. (Aconsejo esta. Es más divertida)
– Tell your roommates what you happened between you and Brad, minus pornographic detail.
– I admit I’ve got a bit of a crush.
– I wouldn’t kick out of bed, that’ for sure
– I’m not really interest, being his tutor and all.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some studying done.
– Accompany Ian on a Dude’s Day Out shopping-spree/spa treatment. (-$95)
– Go back to the house and give him the notes.
– Forget it. He can call you if he needs them.
– You’ll be fine. Just do your best and don’t give up.
– I can help you.
ACLARACIÓN: En esta parte divergirá un poco en relación a las imágenes conseguidas. En ambas partes si habéis seguido mi guía correctamente, dará igual que opción escojáis. La opción que escojáis dependerá en verdad de vuestros gustos y las imágenes que prefiráis sacar.
ACLARACIÓN: Esta sección es un caos porque hay un montón de maneras de proceder para terminar el romance y conseguir las imágenes; ergo, he optado por hacerlo más sencillo y poner que algunas respuestas correctas, son incorrectas. Sin embargo, así obtendréis de esta manera todas las imágenes y todos los romances.
– We can do something fun afterwards. (OPCIÓN 1)
– You can do whatever you want with me afterwards.
– You can feel a sense of accomplishment that Will serve as building block for your education and the rest of your lifes. (OPCIÓN 2)
ACLARACIÓN: Para evitar líos, lo que haré será que algunas de las opciones, tendrán las siguientes conversaciones en la propia línea porque si no era demasiado caótico. Similar a como pasaba en esta ruta en “Wack off”. No os preocupéis de todas maneras porque veréis a lo que me refiero al instante.


– I’ts pretty good, I guess. Could be better, but it’s not a bad field position.Run an option of the pistol, two wide outs slotted right and your primary left.
                  – Yeah. It’d be nice. I’m feeling beat after this all-nighter. Let’s take a nap. (IMAGEN CG11 – BRAD) (IMAGEN CG12 – BRAD)
                   – Who am I kidding? We can cuddle later. Kiss him.
– Starting at your own 23.
– You’re on the left side, like all the way over.
– I must’ve been dreaming of, uh, something. Can’t remember what it was though.
– I was having the most intense dream about… well, do you want to hear – That’s when I ripped off your underwear. – Maybe we could do that stuff now. (IMAGEN CG13 – BRAD)


– I’ts pretty good, I guess. Could be better, but it’s not a bad field position. Run an option of the pistol, two wide outs slotted right and your primary left.
– Starting at your own 23.
– You’re on the left side, like all the way over.
– You should feel pretty pleased with yourself.
– Kiss him
– Fall asleep in each other’s arms.
– Kiss him harder. (IMAGEN CG6 – BRAD) (IMAGEN CG7 – BRAD)

Guía de imágenes CG de Brad

  • 1.- CG4 y CG10 se consiguen completando la relación con Brad.
  • 2.- CG1 se consigue eligiendo hacer los trabajos por Brad y seguir hasta es coger la opción “Pretend to write while sneaking peeks at Brad.”
  • 3.- CG5 se consigue eligiendo hacer los trabajos por Brad y seguir hasta es coger la opción “Ok, ok. Maybe I was too haasty. I can’t let the competition get the upper hand.”
  • 4.- CG9 se consigue diciendole a Brad “Let me tongue your tight Little starfish and we’ll it good.” cuando te diga que hagas sus trabajos por él.
  • 5.- CG8 se consigue diciéndole a Ian “Jack off before your tutoring session. – I’m jacking off and taking a dump!” cuando el protagonista se está masturbando.
  • 6.- CG2 se consigue escogiendo la opción “Double click the photo for a quick look.” cuando el protagonista se queda solo en la habitación de Brad y ve que hay una foto de un desnudo en el ordenador de este.
  • 7.- CG3 se consigue diciéndole a Brad “You know, I’m cool with you jerking off here, if you don’t mind me doing the same.” cuando ofrezca al personaje masturbarse con él.
  • 8.- CG6 y CG7 se consigue eligiendo esta ruta de diálogos “You can feel a sense of accomplishment that Will serve as building block for your education and the rest of your lifes. – Starting at your own 23. – Kiss him. – Kiss him harder.” cuando Brad venga a tu casa.
  • 9.- CG11, CG12 y CG12 se consigue eligiendo esta ruta de diálogos “- You can feel a sense of accomplishment that Will serve as building block for your education and the rest of your lifes. – I’ts pretty good, I guess. Could be better, but it’s not a bad field position. – Run an option of the pistol, two wide outs slotted right and your primary left. – Yeah. It’d be nice. I’m feeling beat after this all-nighter. Let’s take a nap. – I was having the most intense dream about… well, do you want to hear – That’s when I ripped off your underwear. – Maybe we could do that stuff now.” cuando Brad venga a tu casa.


IMPORTANTE: Para este romance DEBES HABER ESTUDIADO UN MÍNIMO DE TRES VECES en tu tiempo libre para que se den las imágenes finales.
– I’m gay.
– I’m gay. High five!
– Uh, just a reminder. If you use up the last of toilet paper, be responsible and replace it with another roll. (La 3 sólo te llevará a un bucle para que el personaje diga que es gay)
– All right. You drive.
– Eh. I don’t feel up to it. Let’s just kick it here tonight.
– Whiskey, straight up. Because I’m gonna need it.
– Beer. Dark. Bitter. Like my soul.
– A glass of Cabernet. For once, not out of a box.
– A Midori Sour.
– White Zinandel.
– Milk. White. Creamy. Like my, um…
– Wave back.
– *Gulp.* Pretend to be fascinated by a ketchup bottle
– Sure I’ll have another one of these.
– No thanks, I’m good.
– No thanks. (Turn around and ignore him.)
– Actually, no. This is my first time here. It’s not bad. Kind of a cook vibe.
– Not really. This is my first time here. I actually just came out today to my Friends. (Indispensable para conseguir la imagen CG8 de Alex)
– No I’ve never been here before ‘cause I just cameo out today and my friend dragged me here and she’s in the bathroom right now and I dunno what’s taking her so long and isn’t funny how these things just kind of happen? Isn’t it? Huh?
– It’s (nombre del protagonista).
– I’ts Philbert.
– Sure, here you go.
– Actually, I wasn’t looking to meet anybody tonight. But thanks, I’m flacttered.
– O-o-okay. H-h-h-ere it is. (Nevours gulp).
– Not interested, sorry.
– Whatever. You are way too old for me.
– Somebody hit on me
– Uh, not really,
– Borrow his lube. Just this once.
– Ew, are you kidding? Leave it there.
– Whack off. – Ignore it. – Continue masturbating. (IMAGEN CG1 – Main)
– Sleep like an angel.
– This guy hit on me.
– It went okay, I guess.
HELLLOOO Profesor.
– Yes. This is creepy. It totally reminds me of last week’s episode of Catch A Predator.
– You know, it’ll be thought but I guess somehow I’ll manage. *grin*
– You know, I’m still open to dating. Nobody would have to know about it.
– In that case, I could really use an anatomy lesson right now, Professor. *wink*
– Penny! Enough with the orange photos!
– Please, can we beta test another time.
Tell Penny about your run-in at the bar last night.
Change the subject. Penny is know for her relentless mockery.
– Okay, okay, OKAY!!!
– Sure, no prob.
No. Maybe I have something to do. Maybe I’ve got a life, did you ever think of that?!?
– I’m biding my time. We’ll see.
– I’m planning to tell them. Soon.
– Thell them.
– Oh, you know. Been buddy. How have you been?
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash.
– Get a head start on a term paper.
– Watch the new horror Fick “It Came Inside Me” with your roommates. (-$20)
Beat off to “Lumberjackin’, Vol3.”
Study, for the love of Christ.
– Can you guys handle this? I’m in the middle of something important right now.
– One of us go and see what’s up. Now which of us has the requisite social skills to handle this with diplomacy and finesse?
– God, FINE!
– You know who loves getting up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
– Accept the job. You can use the cash.
– Tell her no. You want to keep your Schedule open.
– Your mom.
– You. I was holding you down and making love to your sweet virgin ass. (Con ésta me reí muchísimo)
– My anatomy profesor. He was fingering my asshole during class. (Con ésta me reí muchísimo)
– Nothing! Nothing at all! I don’t remember.
– All right, all right. Just give me a minute to get ready.
– Are you done with armchair psychologizing? It’s Saturday. I’m going back to sleep.
– A couple of laps at the pool sounds refreshing.
– Work up a sweat on the treadmill.
– Exercise? Please. Wender around and enjoy the eye Candy.
– Sure, why not?
– No thanks. I’m hitting the treadmill.
– No thanks. I’d only destroy you, mortal.
– W-what are you doing here?!?
– Sneak a quick peek at his ass.
– Are you kidding? Game on! Crush him!
– Tutor at the Student Learning Cnter during oper hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Accompany Ian and Penny to Tats All, Folks to get some sweet henna. (-$60)
– Fine, fine, I’ll take a look at it, but only to help you find bugs.
– I’m not interested in being your guinea pig for this. Especially since it involves my dating life. I don’t want to end up in pieces in someone’s freezer
– Fine, fine. I was gonna go anyway.
– Not gonna happen. I’ve got other things to do.
– You’re here for a purpose, soldier. Hit the pool.
– Maybe see if anybody’s up for a game racquetball.
– Hit the treadmill
– I suppose. Ready to get your ass handed to you?
– Bring it, gramps.
– Uh, okay. But take it easy on me!
– Not feeling it today.
– Your mind goes blank.
– Give him the answer. -Contusion-
Maintain your distance.
Move closer. (IMAGEN CG2 – ALEX)
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Invite Ian and Penny to the beach to fly your new penis kite in celebration of ‘To Hell with the Children Day’ (-$35).
– I understand.
– But I thought we had more going on.
– Why the worry? Nobody has to know.
– Explain what’s been happening between you and Alex.
– Ask about the sandwiches.
– Yes, find out what’s going on, Penny.
– Uh, just forget it. I’ve got other nuts to crack, so to speak.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some studying done.
– Invite Ian and Penny to go nutria hunting along the river. (-$90)
– This is awful. What the heck do I do?
– I can’t be involved with this. GraduatioN is just a couple of months away. I don’t want to get mixed up in some ugly public scandal.
– Nothing’s going to come out of this. Alex and I haven’t done anything wrong. Graham’s trying to blow this out of proportion and he wont succed.
– Fine. Give me a second here.
– I don’t need to find out what’s going on. What I need to do stay out of this.
– Tutor at Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studyng done.
– Since your promised the old lady in Aparment 36 that you’d walk her Pomeranian this weekend, invite Penny along. (-$0)
– Screw that. Go follow him and see what’s wrong.
– No. You don’t want to get either of you into any more trouble.
– As your student, I’m really worried about you.
– I need to know what’s going on.
– I… I understand. You have to leave before the shit hits the fan. If there’s and invertigation, it will damage your reputation for the rest of your career.
– You can’t for this! Are you really going to give up so easily?
ACLARACIÓN: Para poder conseguir varias imágenes CG, debéis romper la relación y fo***r con Alex. Así que, guardad aquí, haced primero OPCIÓN 1 para conseguir las imágenes y luego recargar para seguir con la OPCIÓN 2 para seguir con el romance.


– Yeah, good idea.
– Yeah maybe we should stop talking altogether. Go in for a Kiss.
Keep Going.
Push him onto his knees. (CG3 – ALEX)
– Let me suck yout cock. (CG4 – ALEX)
– Yes, fuck me. (CG5 – ALEX)


– Yeah, good idea.
– Yeah maybe we should stop talking altogether. Go in for a Kiss.
– So drop the investigation on Professor Davies. You can start fresh with a new Project. And we’ll never speak of this again.
– So I’m turning you in for this. You’re going down, you big faker.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Treat Penny to a dinner out at the new tempura fondue place downtown. (-$50)
– It was nothing. Forget it. Congrats on having the hearing dropped.
– I need to talk to you about what happened.
– It’s fine. Forget it.
– But, I’m the one who had Graham drop the charges. I SAVED YOUR ASS, PROFESOR!
– Tutor at the Student learning Center during open hours for extra cash. 
– Get some studying done.
– Accompany Ian on a Dude’s Day Out shopping-spree/spa treatment. (-$95)
– No. You’re ready to move on.
– Yes, you need closure
– I was being stalked. I need top ut a stop to that
– I wanted to help you.
– I just got caught up in the drama, i guess. Also, Graham’s douche.
– But, you’re not my professor anymore. *grin*
– Keep it cool and shake his hand.
(IMAGEN CG8 – ALEX) – Sólo si escogiste la opción “Not really. This is my first time here. I actually just came out today to my Friends. ” cuando conociste a Alex.

Guía de imágenes CG de Alex

  • 1.- CG1, CG2, CG6 y CG7 se consiguen completando la relación con Alex.
  • 2.- CG3, CG4 y CG5 se consiguen follando con Alex en su despacho tras elegir las opciones “Yeah maybe we should stop talking altogether. Go in for a Kiss. – Keep Going” después eligiendo las tres opciones que salen.
  • 3.- CG8 se consigue escogiendo la opción “Not really. This is my first time here. I actually just came out today to my Friends. ” cuando conoces a Alex y luego de hacer romance completo.


– I’m gay.
– I’m gay. High five! 
– Uh, just a reminder. If you use up the last of toilet paper, be responsible and replace it with another roll. (La 3 sólo te llevará a un bucle para que el personaje diga que es gay)
– All right. You drive.
– Eh. I don’t feel up to it. Let’s just kick it here tonight. 
– Fine, fine! Quit yer bitchin’. Let’s go.
– No. I want to stay in.
– I bet it’s nice being a simple creature with simple tastes.
– I wonder what your fish food tastes like. Nibble fish food.
– I’ve got a lot on my mind tonight.
– Borrow his lube. Just this once.
– Ew, are you kidding? Leave it here.
– Whack off. – Ignore it. – Continue masturbating. (IMAGEN CG1 – Main)
– Sleep like an angel.
HELLLOOO Profesor.
– Penny! Enough with the orange photos!
– Please, can we beta test another time.
– NO!
– Okay, okay, OKAY!!!
– Sure, no prob.
– No. Maybe I have something to do. Maybe I’ve got a life, did you ever think of that?!?
– I’m biding my time. We’ll see.
– I’m planning to tell them. Soon.
– Thell them.
– Oh, you know. Been buddy. How have you been?
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center for extra cash.
– Get a head start on a term paper.
– Watch the new horror Fick “It Came Inside Me” with your roommates. (-$20)
Beat off to “Lumberjackin’, Vol3.”
Study, for the love of Christ.
– Can you guys handle this? I’m in the middle of something important right now.
– One of us go and see what’s up. Now which of us has the requisite social skills to handle this with diplomacy and finesse?
– I thought you were high. Until I realized no, you weren’t high, this was your natural personality.
– Annoying, but I’m slowly getting over it. Slowly.
– I didn’t like you at all. You seemed like a typical, overbearing, bro-type.
– I thought you were hot.
– You need to relax, Ian. You’re psyching yourself out.
– Well, it’s after hours. This is against building policy, so I’m calling the police!
– Fine, fine, I’ll go. I’m sure Godzilla and I can come to an agreement.
– Whoaaa, look, I live downstairs. I’m just here to tell you to keep the noise down.
– Huh? Oh, riiight. That’s me, Cumslut97!
– I’m not joining you circle of perverts, okay? Just keep the noise down!
– Listen, if you don’t keep the noise down, I’m calling the cops.
– All right, good try. You’re not fooling anybody.
– Did you s-s-say room for on more?
– Ha! Interrogate? I bet you’re looking for more tan an interrogation!
– Yes, I’m ready to test whether my hypotheses are true.
– Look, I’ll have you know. I’ve seen a video. Or two. Or fifty.
– Come on, I know what bukkake is. Wikipedia, hello.
– Well, not entirely. Is it like a potluck?
NOTA: Vale, aquí la cosa diverge. Depende el trayecto que escojas conseguirás la Imagen CG1 (Opción 1) o la Imagen CG2 (Opción 2) de Jed.


– I see where this is going and I don’t like it one bit! I’m outta here.
– Well um, technically the “star” needs to be be naked.
– If you’re the “star”, you need to be naked. Kinda of like how you’re naked, right now.
– Well, if you’re the “star,” you need to take off your clothes, like this. Start stripping.
– Ok, I’m not playing this perverted game. Leave.
– Uh, yeah. You’d get on the floor, on your knees. (IMAGEN CG1 – JED)


– I see where this is going and I don’t like it one bit! I’m outta here.
– Well um, technically the “star” needs to be be naked. – Show him by stripping off your clothes.
– If you’re the “star”, you need to be naked. Kinda of like how you’re naked, right now.
– Well, if you’re the “star,” you need to take off your clothes, like this. Start stripping.
– You cum on my face.
– Cum on my face, motherfucker.
Tilt your face towards his cock, open your mouth, and wait.
Do nothing.
– God, FINE!
– You know who loves getting up at the crack of dawn? Ian!
– Accept the job. You can use the cash.
– Tell her no. You want to keep your Schedule open.
– Oh god. I have no idea why I’m pouring my soul out to a fish
– Thanks for listening, Slurpy. It’s hard to talk about these things with people. Humans are so judgmental. But not you, friend. You’re loyal and true.
– All right, all right. Just give me a minute to get ready.
– Are you done with armchair psychologizing? It’s Saturday. I’m going back to sleep.
– A couple of laps at the pool sounds refreshing 
– Work up a sweat on the treadmill.
– Exercise? Please. Wanfer around and enjoy the eye Candy.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Cnter during oper hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Accompany Ian and Penny to Tats All, Folks to get some sweet henna. (-$60)
– Fine, fine, I’ll take a look at it, but only to help you find bugs.
– I’m not interested in being your guinea pig for this. Especially since it involves my dating life. I don’t want to end up in pieces in someone’s freezer
– Stop thinking about that lunatic and go to sleep.
– To hell with it. Go upstairs.
– Fine, fine. I was gonna go anyway.
– Not gonna happen. I’ve got other things to do.
– You’re here for a purpose, soldier. Hit the pool.
– Maybe see if anybody’s up for a game racquetball.
– Hit the treadmill
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center
– Get some extra studying done.
– Invite Ian and Penny to the beach to fly your new penis kite in celebration of ‘To Hell with the Children Day’ (-$35).
Head over to Jed’s.
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some studying done.
– Invite Ian and Penny to go nutria hunting along the river. (-$90)
– Sure I’d like that.
– Sorry. I have a lot going on that night.
– Throw your hands in the air, scream, and start slamming into people.
– Order another drink and try to avoid losing an eye.
– Close your eyes, bow your head and pray to baby Jesus for safety.
– That is so true.
– That is so not true. You’ve got me all wrong.
– Well, it’s different.
– Ohmygod it was grat! It’s like God and Satan and zombie Jimi Hendrix started a band together!
– I’ll be be honest, you guys need work.
– Uh, I’m not a big fan on this genre.
– I like it.
– No! The cops are right below us!
– You’re right, just keep going. (IMAGEN CG3 – JED)
– Tutor at Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studyng done.
– Since your promised the old lady in Aparment 36 that you’d walk her Pomeranian this weekend, invite Penny along. (-$0)
– I’m starved. A pizza sounds perfect.
– No thanks, I’m good.
– I’m hungry for something other tan pizza. *wink wink*
– Sounds awesome. I’s love to.
– Gosh. Sorry. I’m pretty busy with school and stuff right now.
– Depends. Were do you want me to come?
– I get extra pepperoni.
– Gee, I guess I get a dick in my mouth.
– Oh, I know Jed, the lead Singer.
– Physically alone, I may be. But I find the spirit of punk connects those of us who ache to express raw human emotion, dovid of pretense.
– Who are the Dirty Loofahs? I’m here for the Beebs.
Remove your clothes
Keep your clothes on.
– Stare ahead blanky.
– Smile like a champ.
– Flip off the officer and Yell, ‘Fuck the police!’
– Say nothing.
– You’re bitching way too much about this. His antics get the band a certain amount of notoriety. It’s good thing.
– I’m – I’m not his faboy!
– Tutor at the Student Learning Center during open hours for extra cash.
– Get some extra studying done.
– Treat Penny to a dinner out at the new tempura fondue place downtown. (-$50)
– Okay, I’ll deliver the money to the band.
– (Lie) Okay, I’ll deliver the money to the band.
– I’m not your errand boy, Jed. Stop treating me like one.
– I really think you sought to go yourself. Those guys are going to be resenrful you’re not there, and that you sent me to run your errand.
– I’ve got stuff to do. Call a Courier or something.
– Fine. But this is the last time!
– He did have me some omey the other day to the band. I’m sure it was no big deal.
– Nothing, never mind.
– You know, he might seem a little nuts, but I still trust him.
– It’s not like that. I’m keeping my distance from now on.
– Sounds like you need help. I’m on my way.
– I’m sorry man. That’s pretty far. I can’t.
– You know, I’m starting to get the feeling I’m being used here.
– Jed, if you can’t be honest, I think we better end it.
– I’ll pick you up. But this is the last time!
– Since no one else is willing to do it, why don’t you go fuck yourself, Vince?
Kick his ass.
Say nothing.
– What’s your problema, Vince?
– I’ll keep an eye out for him.
– I’ll see what I can do to help. SOMEONE must know where he is.
– 7th Day Adventist.
– 8th Presbyterian.
– 9th Baptist.
– 10th Zoroastrianist.
– 11th Satanist.
– Attend church.
No way. Are you kidding?
– Yeah, those guys are hilarious. Moe was always my fave.
– The Stooges? Wow, really? So mainstream. Minor Thrat was the shit.
– Those dudes were legend for a reason. Major daps, bro.
– It’s that really so bad though? They’ve got money, Jed. I’m sure you won’t have to compromise your sound.
– They’ve got connections and resources. It could be a big break for you.
– You gotta do whatever makes this worth it to you.
– Tutor at the Student learning Center during open hours for extra cash. 
– Get some studying done.
– Accompany Ian on a Dude’s Day Out shopping-spree/spa treatment. (-$95)
– Go to the band meeting, and convince them not to kick Jed out.
– Go to the competition and support Jed.
– We’ve got some real pressing issues here. The fan club’s circulating rumors about your crabs, Vince!
– You guays can’t kick Jed out. He’s trying to sabe the band.
NOTA: Aquí tendremos dos opciones. La primera diferencia es como acabará la relación, la primera opción será la romántica y la segunda la sexual. La segunda diferencia es que en la primera consigues las Imagenes CG6, CG8 y CG9, mientras que, con al segunda consigues las Imagenes CG7 y CG8.


– Give him a pep talk
– Kiss him.
– You should really channel your sexual energy into your performance.
Kiss him harder.
Enter a stall
– Um, I don’t think I’m up for this.
– Top him. (IMAGEN CG5 – JED)
– Bottoms up. (IMAGEN CG4 – JED)


– Give him a pep talk
Kiss him.
Top him. (IMAGEN CG5 – JED)
Bottoms up. (IMAGEN CG4 – JED)

Guía de imágenes CG de Jed

  • 1.- CG3 y CG8 se consiguen completando el romance.
  • 2.- CG1 se consigue escogiendo la opción “If you’re the “star”, you need to be naked. Kinda of like how you’re naked, right now.” cuando le conoces.
  • 3.- CG2 se consigue escogiendo la opción “Well um, technically the “star” needs to be be naked. – Show him by stripping off your clothes.” cuando le conoces.
  • 4.- CG4 se consigue con la opción “Bottoms up” cuando estéis en el baño a punto de fo***r.
  • 5.- CG5 se consigue con la opción “Top him” cuando estéis en el baño a punto de fo***r.
  • 6.- CG6 y CG9 se consiguen eligiendo “Give him a pep talk” en el baño antes de tener sexo.
  • 7.- CG7 se consigue eligiendo “Kiss Him” en el baño antes de tener sexo.



1. Go on a date with Jake.
2. Blush and coyly avert your eyes.
3. Shake your body to get rid of the butterflies.
4. That’s pretty obvious.
5. I don’t see a lot of beefy guys nibbling on salads, is all!
6. Well, at least we’re going up pretty quickly.
7. Allow Jake to catch his breath while you try the intercom.
8. So we’re good then. Just stuck. I guess we should make the most of it.
9. Yeah, that’s one of my favorites too!
10. The original Old school games I played when I was a kid.
11. Why would anyone remember that?
12. No way. The Master Sword is obviously the best weapon in the series.
13. I’m just looking to date, nothing serious yet.
14. Isn’t that just a fancy term for sleeping around?
15. It sounds like so much hinges on the ability to communicate.
16. Polyamory sounds awesome.
17. Kiss him.
18. Go for broke.
19. I hope not. Unbutton his jeans. (IMAGEN CG1 – JAKE)
       – You’re totally. We got away with too much already. You firemen should show us what hapeens. (IMAGEN CG3 – JAKE) 
               – Leave the buffet. 
       – Is this an invitation to an orgy? I’ll pass.
               – Stay. (IMAGEN CG2 – JAKE) 


1. Get on a date with Tommy.
2. That sounds very fulfilling. I mean, if someone’s guilty, that person need to be punished.
3. There are no perfect systems in the world, crime and punishment included.
4. Despite the tragedy of what happened to you, a lot of people in te system are trying to do the right thing.
5. I know how you fell, Darryl John Michael Wayne.
6. I’m an innocent bystander, just like you were.
7. If you’re innocent, Tommy can probably find some way to help you.
             – Let him finish off with his mouth,then reciprocate. (IMAGEN CG2 – TOMMY) 
             – Switch the action to something else.
                        -I can totally do this. *sweats* (IMAGEN CG1 – TOMMY) 
8. Cuddle and sigh.


1. Go on a date with Frank
2. Nice meeting you, too. Thanks for picking me up.
3. Wow, that’s impressive. I’m a little too budy with school to do traveling, although I’d like to. And honestly, I don’t have that kind of money.
4. Oh, finance? Awesome! What exactly do you do?
5. English.
6. Why don’t we just cut over to the beach and hang out there? We’re so close by.
7. Penis Red Raspberry.
8. I actually don’t know what you mean. I just came out recently and I don’t exactly hace that much experience.
9. Just my fish, Slurpy. I shouldn’t say ‘just’. He’s actually a totally awesome little dude.
10. Obviously, with fancy names like that.
11. Actually, I’m not in great position to be donating to anything, being a college student and all. I try to give a little something when I can, though.
12. I mean, it’s great you have all these amazing this going for you. But you’re trying too hard to impress me.
13. Well, Frankie, listen. We’re all inscure about something. It’s just that you’ve taken that to strangely high level. Try to be yourself.
14. Woah. Tell me more.
15. I don’t exactly have whole lot of experience myself, so we’re basically in the same boat.
16. How about right now? It’s dark, we’ve got some privacy. Let’s see what you got, Frankie. Embrace your stripper-ness.
17. I’ll do it, too. How about that? (IMAGEN CG2 – FRANK)
18. Wipe the drool from your mouth and nod yes.
19. Can you show me that twirl again? Like four or five hundred more times? Because it’s freaking awesome.
20. If my penis is any indication, and it is, then I am indeed into it.
21. Voila! (IMAGEN CG1 – FRANK)


1. Go in a date with Luke.
2. Nice accent.
3. That’s a great attitude. I wholeheartedly agree.
4. Just impressed by your freakin’ thighs. They’re incredible. Honestly, look at them.
5. Do nothing.
6. Do nothing.
7. Offer to give him a massage.
8. Lean in and kiss him.
9. Sure, why not.
10. I was alright.
11. Well, hmmm, I could help you with that.
12. All rigt. We’ll make do. We have to be quick, though. (IMAGEN CG1 – FRANK)
13. Grin and keep up the good work.
14. Reassure him it’s fine. (IMAGEN CG2 – FRANK)


1. Sure.
2. Will do.


3. Take some. Just in case.
4. Continue down the alleyway.
5. I’m keeping my mouth shut until I talk to lawyer.
6. It’s cocaine. Obviously. Duh.
7. You’re such a godmamn rockie, rockie
8. Whatever. You don’t seem experienced to me, rockie.
9. Oh yeah? Maybe I do… rookie.
10. Not, enthusiastically. (IMAGEN CG2 – CESAR)


3. No. Just no.
4. Continue down the alleyway.
5. Yes, this is my last semester of college. I’m about to graduate.
6. Aren’t you gonna frisk my butt too?
7. Because you can totally frisk it. You know, whatever you gotta do… for your job.
8. Well judging by that bulge in your pants, seems like you’d be more than happy to volunteer. (IMAGEN CG1 – CESAR)


1. Ok. On my way.
2. Hey, it’s me.
3. Ok.
4. I’m going to get really close to him and inhale as he axhales and then he’ll forever be inside on me!
5. I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you!
6. Do a spin move, flip kick, and somersault.
7. I just saw Funt in the bathroom. He just asked me for a lock of your hair. Apparently he wants to sell it.
8. Ok, I will if you will.
9. Rock the hell out of it.
10. Thank you. I quit enjoyed myself.
11. That’d be great.
              – Oh god, no. I need to see this. Keep going. (IMAGEN CG2 – TERRY) 
              – Option B. Definitely B. B. B. B. (IMAGEN CG1 – TERRY) 


1. Tex him “hello”
2. LOL!
3. Accept.
4. It’s supposed to be compliment, I think. Though I can see you clearly don’t agree.
5. No worries. Building construction has always fascinated me.
6. Could you at least tell me why?
7. I think you look good.
8. Follow don out of the building.
9. Follow him.
10. Grab the long, rectangular piece of wood.
11. Sure thing, boss.
12. All right, I’m ready.
13. It was interesting. Not really my thing it was fun to learn something new.
14. In the middle.
15. It could be important if he’s texting twice.
16. Wait patienly.
17. That sounds great.
18. No, that was perfect. (IMAGEN CG1 – DONOVAN) & (IMAGEN CG2 – DONOVAN)

Oz & Pete

1. I’ll be ready for whatever comes my way.
2. Cuckolding? You’re obviously a sick, pathetic freak with no self esteem.
3. Wait for the return.


4. Hang out with Pete at the bar.
5. *raise hand shyly*
6. I’d love to be cucked.
7. Follow Pete for the restroom.
8. Flirt with Oz
9. Lead the way
10. Good. I think he’d appreciate your honesty. (IMAGEN CG01 – OZ & PETE)


4. Follow Oz to the restroom.
5. I hope everything is ok?
6. Is there something I’m doing wrong? Or not doing?
7. Follow Oz to the bar.
8. Tell Oz an embarrassing fetish of yours.
9. Flirt with Oz
10. Lead the way
11. If you need a volunter… *whistle casually* (IMAGEN CG02 – OZ & PETE)


1. Hi. How’s it going?
2. It means knowledgeable.
3. I’ll take it.
4. Game on


5. You know, that’s pretty harsh. High school was a tough time for most of us. And no, it’s not an act. He’s an amazing guy. That’s why I’m marrying him.
6. I’m getting my PhD in Biotechnology.
7. It’s like any good relationship – built on honesty, trus, love, and shred goals.
8. Wait, you paid for a night. And the night isn’t over yet. *simle suggestively*
        – Yes, sir. (IMAGEN CG2 – THEO) 
        – No, YOU address ME as sir.
                – I’m going to abuse that cock-sucking mouth of yours.
                             – I’m going to destroy that gole now. Get on the bed and lie face down, ass up.
                                       – That’s right, slam your tight ass down on my dick. (IMAGEN CG1 – THEO) 


5. I don’t know if I’d call in an act, but you’re not getting the whole picture. He’s actually got… a secret identity.
6. I’m a bounty hunter.
7. To be completely honest with you, it’s all about the sex.
8. A lunatic? Honey, I’m a rentboy. You gotta pay for a piece of this action. *Start stripping*
9. Wait, you paid for a night. And the night isn’t over yet. *simle suggestively*
        – Yes, sir. (IMAGEN CG3 – THEO) 
        – No. I don’t think so.YOU address ME as “sir”. *Toss collar across the room* 
                – I’m going to abuse that cock-sucking mouth of yours.
                             – I’m going to destroy that gole now. Get on the bed and lie face down, ass up.
                                       – That’s right, slam your tight ass down on my dick. (IMAGEN CG1 – THEO) 

Hugh & Jesse

1. Play with yourself.
2. Call 911.
3. Nod your head yes. You like nuts.
        – Nod and agree to let Jesse be your patient advocate. Permite acceder a la IMAGEN CG1 – HUGH & JESSE en la siguiente línea de diálogo 
        – Oh hell no. Shake your head. Permite acceder a la IMAGEN CG2 – HUGH & JESSE en la siguiente línea de diálogo. 
4. Nod, hell yes. (IMAGEN CG1 – HUGH & JESSE) o (IMAGEN CG2 – HUGH & JESSE)

Mi pasión por los videojuegos me llevó a terminar una Ingeniería T.Informática y un Máster de modelado y animación 3D para videojuegos. Soy gamer de nacimiento y fan incondicional de la saga Metal Gear. Además de jugar, en mis ratos libres me dedico a otros de mis hobbies como el cine, las series y la lectura.

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